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Articles from


The money house of Pest
Agricultural and commercial bank
Plain-Rhineland railway
General Transport Bank
General. g. municipal credit institution
General Buda Citizens' Savings Bank
General timber and wood trade ltd
General gas and electric light bulbs ltd
General industrial bank ltd
General Austro-Hungarian Air Spirits Association
Aluminium ore mine and industry ltd
Anglo-Hungarian bank ltd
Anglo-Austrian bank
"Apollo" oil refinery-factory ltd.
Arad-Kőrösvölgyi railway
Arad and Csanádi united railways ltd ord. shares
Arad steam mill
Árpád mill
Asphalt and tar industry ltd
Atlas reinsurance
Austria United Enamelling works, lamp and metal goods factory ltd
Autotaxi Bpesti Automobile Transport ltd
Back Bernát sons Szeged steam mill and waterworks ltd
Bács-barcs railway
Bács-Bodrogmegye local area railway preference share
Baja-Zombor-Ujvidék local area railway ltd
Lake Balaton steamship company
Bánát commercial and industrial bank
Bantlin chemical plants ltd
Mining machinery and mechanical handling equipment factory ltd
Baranya savings and loan bank
Bárdi József automobile ltd
Baróti distillery, cognac and liqueur factory ltd
Báttaszék-Dombovár-Zakany railway
Inner city Savings Bank ltd
Beszterce-Naszód timber industry ltd
Bihar-Szilágy oil industry ltd
Bihar Commercial Industrial and Produce Bank
Imperial Officers' Association as a credit institution
Blum steam mill
Bóni production plant and agricultural ltd
Leather industry ltd Győr
Borsod-Miskolc and Debreceni István steam mill ltd
National Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina ltd
Budapest capital savings bank ltd
Budapest-Szentlőrinc and Tata tile and brick factory
Budapest-újpest-rákospalota tram railway ltd
Brassó Mining and Metallurgical Association ltd
Buda-Ó-Buda People's Bank
Buda general savings bank ltd
Production site in Buda
Buda mountain-track
Buda Commercial and Industrial Bank
Buda Tram Railway Company
Budapest-Erzsébetváros bank ltd
Budapest-erzsébetváros Savings Bank
Budapest District III Savings Bank
Budapest-Lipótváros Savings Bank ltd
Budapest-Pécs railway
Budapest-Szentlőrinc local area tramway ltd
Budapest-Szentlőrinc brick factory
Budapest VIII., IX., X. district savings bank ltd
Budapest Universal Credit Union
Budapest bank ltd
Budapest giro and cashier association
Budapest Industrial Bank ltd
Budapest Handicrafts ltd
Budapest Savings Bank and National Mortgage Loan ltd
Budapest carpool ltd
Budapest brick and lime kiln ltd
Budapest Zsolnay porcelain faience moulding ltd
Cegléd Savings Bank
Cementia Holding A.-G.
"Chinoin" medicine. and chemical products factory ltd
Mining and smelting works of Prince Philip of Coburg ltd
Corvin film factory and film trade ltd
"Corvin" Iron Foundry and Machine Works ltd
Csepel Building materials factory ltd
Tanning materials factory ltd Fiume
"Cyklop" builder ltd
Czinner and Company salami factory ltd
"Danica" chemical industry ltd
Dávid Károly and son box and wood panel factory ltd
Debrecen-Derecske local area railway
Debrecen-füzesabony local area railway
Debreczen-Hajdunánás local area railway
Debreczen Commercial Bank
South-Dunavian local area railways ltd
Detta savings and loan association
Deutsch printing house
Discount and securities bank
Dr. Dorogi and Associates rubber factory ltd
Dr. Just incandescent lamps and electrical appliances ltd
Dr. Keleti and Murányi chemical factory ltd
Dr. Lipták and Partners construction and ironworks ltd
Dr. Wander pharmaceutical and nutraceutical company ltd
Dreher-Haggenmacher first Hungarian share brewing ltd
Dunaharaszti timber industry and timber trade ltd
Transdanubian pig fattening, meat industry and agriculture ltd
Deposit Trust Company
"Egis" united spas, real estate and hostel ltd
United Hungarian glass factories ltd
United Savings Bank of Budapest
United wood and industry ltd
United Wernstadt Textile Industry ltd, Brno
United textile industry of Wernstadt and Győr ltd
First Békéscsaba steam mill Márton Rosenthal and his partner
First Békéscsaba Miskolc and Debreceni István Steam Mills ltd
First Budapest Steam Mill ltd
First South Slavic machine, wagon and bridge factory ltd
First Transylvania bank
First Croatian-Slavic sugar industry ltd
First Hungarian letter-casting ltd
First Hungarian leather factory
First Hungarian economic machinery factory ltd
First Hungarian steamship company
First Hungarian medical institute
First Hungarian industrial bank
First Hungarian Lloyd cruise
First Hungarian petroleum refinery
First Hungarian rice husking and starch factory ltd
First Hungarian transport company ltd
First Hungarian distillery
First Hungarian weaving and knitting factory ltd
First Hungarian glass factory ltd
First Hungarian tug steamship company
First Panchovian roller mill
First Temesvár distillery and refinery ltd
First Törökszentmiklós steam mill ltd
First Újpest distillery
Transylvanian Savings Bank
Transylvanian railways
Transylvanian Savings Bank Pledge Institute ltd Medgyes
Erzsébet Steam Mill Society
Northern Hungarian contruction company
Esztergom-Szászvár coal mine ltd
F. m. Joseph steam mill
Fabank ltd
Fábián iron and metal merchant ltd
Wood production and timber trade ltd
Fejér and Tolna county local area railway ltd
Félegyháza Savings Bank
Felföldi József mill
Felten and Guill. cable, twine and cordage
Metal trade ltd
Ferencz and Józsefváros Savings Bank
"Flóra" the first Hungarian stearin candle and soap factory ltd
Land credit bank ltd
Veneer and Hardwood Factory ltd
Metropolitan bank and exchange office ltd
Metropolitan bank ltd
Metropolitan Casino Building
Metropolitan Printing House ltd
Metropolitan brewery ltd Kőbánya
French-Hungarian bank
Frankl A. Hermann sons ltd
Fruktus fruit processing and distillation ltd
Ganz Electricity Co.
Machine and railway equipment factory ltd
Gizella steam mill ltd
"Globus" printing institute ltd
Gödöllő Savings Bank
Goldberger Sám. F. and sons ltd
Gölnicvölgy railway ltd
Count László Csáky Ajax-steelworks ltd
Count Géza Esterházy's cognac factory
Successors of Count István Keglevich cognac factory ltd
Gschwindt iron foundry
Gutmann S. H. ltd
Pharmacy chemistry center institution
Health resort
Györ-Sopron-Ebenfurt railway
Győrffy-Wolff Metal Price ltd
Győr distillery and refinery ltd
Ship mortgage company
Fish farmers and fish traders ltd
Fish farmers ltd
Hangya industry ltd
Nation life insurance bank
National general insurance ltd
National bank ltd
National logger ltd
"Hermes" General Hungarian Exchange Office Company Limited
Hermes Hungarian general bills of exchange ltd
Hofherr-Schrantz-CIayton-Shuttleworth Hungarian engineering works ltd
National wood industry ltd
Croatian Commercial Bank
Croatian Discount Bank
Croatian National Bank
Croatian-Slavon National Mortgage Bank
"Hungaria" pearl barley factory
Hungária bank ltd
"Hungaria" steam-brickworks ltd
Hungária Jacquard weaving mill ltd
Hungária grand hotel ltd
"Hungária" chemical and metallurgical plants ltd
Hunnia Insurance Institute
"Hygieia" Metal Industry Co.
Jordán Victor leather factory ltd
Yugoslav bank ltd
Yugoslav Union Bank
Jute and hemp industry ltd
Cable factory ltd
Carton printing industry ltd
Kassa-Somod coal mine ltd
Kassa road railway
Kaszab screw and ironworks ltd
Commercial building
Trading and transport ltd
Király automobil r-t.
Király-mill Hedrich and Strauss ltd
Király brewery ltd
Kis-Sebes Granite Mines ltd
Land credit institution for smallholders
Kissüng Rudolf and son- chandelier and brassware maker ltd
Klein and Son's fine toilet soap and fragrance collection ltd
"Klotild" the first Hungarian chemical industry ltd
"Klotild" the first Hungarian chemical industry and "Acetic" chemical plants united ltd
Kőbánya royal brewery ltd
Kőbánya Savings Bank ltd
"Könyves Kálmán" Hungarian literary and publishing ltd
Körös Belovár Verőce Barcsi local area railway
Körösbánya forest industry ltd
"Kosmos" art institute
Coal and brick (Drasche)
Central industry company credit institution
Central Commercial and Industrial Bank ltd
Krausz-Moskovits united industrial plants ltd
Kronberger timber industry ltd
Kronos Pension and Life Insurance Institute
"Kühne" agricultural machinery factory ltd
Special construction and woodworking ltd
Kunossy graphic arts institute ltd
"Labor" pharmaceutical and chemical factory ltd
Langer T. Austrian and Hungarian patent distribution ltd
Lechner Rákos brickworks ltd
Liget-sanatorium ltd
Lignum Trust A.-G
Lipótváros Savings and Loan Association
Lloyd bank ltd
Lloyd, Hungarian reinsurance company
Lonjavölgy railway ltd
Losoncz baize factory
Lujza steam mill ltd
Magnesite industry ltd
Hungarian steam-brick, cement and gypsum-brick ltd
Hungarian national bank ltd
Hungarian steelworks ltd
Hungarian agricultural and annuity bank ltd
Hungarian general bank ltd
Hungarian general timber producer ltd
Hungarian General Land Credit Institute
Hungarian general engineering factory ltd
Hungarian general real estate bank ltd
Hungarian general coal factory
Hungarian general savings bank
Hungarian-American bank ltd
Hungarian-American timber industry ltd
Hungarian bank and commercial ltd
Hungarian-Belgian metal industry ltd
Hungarian-Czech industrial bank ltd
Hungarian forest and timber company ltd
Hungarian forest owners' timber sale association.
Hungarian Value and Industry Bank ltd
Hungarian Northern Railway
Credit Institute of Hungarian Timber Traders ltd
Hungarian arms and ammunition factory ltd
Hungarian Landholding bank ltd
Hungarian trading bank ltd
Hungarian-French insurance ltd
Hungarian-Czech railways
Hungarian gas light bulb ltd
Hungarian military equipment factory ltd
Hungarian local area railways ltd
Hungarian barrel factory
Hungarian Industrial and Commercial Bank ltd
Hungarian mortgage bank
Hungarian Eastern Railway
Hungarian hemp, flax and jute industry ltd
Hungarian trade and credit bank-Schopper I. G. ltd
Hungarian Commercial Credit Bank ltd
Hungarian commercial ltd
Hungarian royal patented gambling ltd
Hungarian royal river and maritime shipping ltd
Hungarian clearing and exchange bank
Hungarian Lloyd-Works ltd
Hungarian Weight and Machinery Factory ltd
Hungarian-German bank ltd
Hungarian-German agricultural ltd
Hungarian Western Railway
Hungarian-Italian bank ltd
Hungarian Lead Price and Metal Trading ltd
Hungarian national bank ltd
Hungarian national central savings bank
Hungarian primary producer ltd
Central Credit Bank of Hungarian Financial Institutions ltd
Hungarian aircraft factory ltd
Hungarian copper ring works ltd prev. Chaudoir Gusztáv
Hungarian-Swiss industrial plant
Hungarian salami factory ltd
Hungarian charcoal factory ltd
Hungarian Town and Municipality Developer ltd
Hungarian City Bank ltd
Hungarian railway traffic ltd
Hungarian chemical machinery factory ltd
Hungarian wagon and machine factory ltd
Central mortgage bank of Hungarian savings banks
Hungarian Settlement and Parceling Bank ltd
Hungarian textile industry ltd
Hungarian pond farms ltd
Malomsoky József carpenter ltd
Mannesmann-Coburg mining and metallurgical plants ltd
Marosvásárhely - Szászrég railway
Marosvásárhely oil refinery factory ltd
Marta hungarian automobil ltd Arad
Mátra mining share
"Mercur" joint-stock company for bills of exchange
"Metallochemia" metallurgical, chemical and metal trading ltd
Agricultural and chemical industrial plants ltd
Mezőhegyes sugar industry ltd
Miskolc Electricity ltd
Miskolcz mill
Mór coal mine ltd
Murányvölgy local area railway
N.-Becskerek Steamship Company
Nadrág Iron Industry Association
"Nagybátony-Ujlaki" united crafts ltd
Nagybátony coal mine ltd
Nagykikinda - Nagybecskerek railway
Nagyszeben electric ltd
National accident and workers' insurance ltd
"National" accident insurance ltd
National insurance bank
National timber industry ltd
National currency exchange ltd
National savings bank and bank ltd
International machinery trade ltd
International export and import ltd
International electricity company
Neuschlosz-Lichtig aircraft factory and wood industry ltd
"Nicholson" machinery factory ltd
"Nova" transport and industrial ltd
Industrial Bank of Nitra
Nyitra Commercial credit bank
Óbuda bleaching, dyeing and impregnating factory ltd
"Ocean" Hungarian canning factory and trading ltd
Oetl cabinet factory
"Ofa" Holzindustrie A.-G.
Kohn Adolf and Co. Oilworks ltd
Petroleum plant in Orsova ltd
"Parliament Bulletin" stone and book printing
National Timber Producer ltd
National Bank of Industry ltd
National Hungarian Railway Savings Bank
Austrian creditbank
Pakrac-Daruvár-Kuting Savings Bank
Palágyi Gyula ltd
Pannonia mill
"Pannónia" brewery ltd Pécs
Patria general insurance ltd
Pécs-barcs railway
Pest-Buda Crafts Bank
Pest-Fiume shipbuilder
Pest-Kőbánya Savings Bank
Pest-Suburb Savings Bank
Pest-Lipótváros Savings Bank
Pest-Terézváros Industrial Bank
Pest-Terézváros Savings Bank
Pest bank
Pest Insurance Institute
Pest Cottage-building company
Pest Associated Bank
Pest Construction Company
Pest's first domestic savings bank association
Pesti book printing company
Pest millers and bakers steam mill ltd
People's Bank of Pest
Pesti Victoria Steam Mill
Pest Pawnbroking Institute
Péterhegy brick industry ltd
Petrozsény-Lupény local area railway
"Pharmacia" pharmaceutical and chemical factory ltd
"Phöbus" electric companies ltd
Popper Lipót wood industry ltd
Pozsony Credit Bank
Pozsony Industrial Bank
Pozsony Westminster Savings and Loan Association
Pozsony paper mill
Bishop's manor house ltd
Püspökladány-F.-colonial local area railway ltd
Quarnero ltd
Rex Lloyd and motor boat factory ltd
Forest industry in copper mines ltd
Rigler József Ede paper linen factory ltd
Rimamurány Ironworks
Roessemann and Kühnemann Epp and Fekete united machinery ltd
Rothmüller S. Metal and tinware factory
Royal Grand Hotel ltd
Template issuer
Sajó-Kondo coal mine ltd
Salgótarján iron refinery
Schuler József first Hungarian steel pen, pen stem and indigo copying paper factory ltd
Schwartzer sanatorium ltd
Soda and chemical factory
Sopron West Hungary Mortgage Credit Bank
Sóskut quarry
"Star" film factory and film trade ltd
Stephaneum printing and publishing house ltd
Károly Stummer Sugar factories ltd
St.-István coal mine shares
Free Bosnia and Herzegovina agricultural and commercial bank
Szamosvölgy railway preference share
Szarvas Mill
Szatmár-Nagybánya Railway Preference share
Szeged commercial bank
Szeged steam mill shares
Szeged hemp yarn factory ltd
Szeged Alcohol Distillery and Refinery ltd
Szent Endre Savings Bank
St. Lőrinc-Szlatina-Nasic local area railway ltd
St Lukács Spa ltd
Szentendre brick factory ltd
Serbian Bank
Sziszek credit bank
Sziszek storehouses ltd
Slavonian wood industry ltd
Slavonia l. a. Railway
Slovak Economic Bank ltd
Sződ-Rákos brick factory
St. Lukács Baths ltd
Savings and loan certificate
Savings and loan institution (Vienna)
Carpooling ltd
Telephone-News ltd.
Telephone factory ltd
Temesvár-Módos local area railway ltd
Temesvár Steam Mill
Temesvár Commercial and Industrial Bank
Temesvár Brewery ltd
Endre Thék furniture, piano and building works factory ltd
Tisza Insurance Company
Tisza Region Railway
Tokaj wine and agricultural ltd
Toplica logger ltd previously Zenta-roskány
"Aspiration" savings bank ltd
Török József ltd.
Turkish Imperial Tobacco ltd
Transdanubia United Steam Mills ltd
"Turul" shoe factory ltd
"Turul" shoe factory ltd, Timisoara
Új-antalvölgy Glassworks ltd
Uj-Pest-Rákos-Palota horse-drawn railway
Ujpest distillery
Ujpest Savings Bank
Newspaper publishing and printing company ltd
Union mining and industrial ltd
Union Mill
"Unio" theatre plant and theatre building ltd
Union textile works ltd
Union Reinsurance Bank
"Union" steam mill ltd
Union Bank
Unitas automotive industry and trade ltd
Urikány-Zsilvölgy Hungarian coal mine ltd
Vác Mill
Vágvölgy railway
Variete share-theatre
County Agricultural and Industrial Development Association. Szolnok
Vas-Zala People's Bank
Vas-Zala County Savings Bank
Ironworks ltd Sopron-Grác
Vas county Electric works ltd
Victoria furniture and woodworking
Villány sparkling wine factory and wine cellar ltd
"Vulcan" machinery factory ltd
Walla József cement factory ltd
Walser's first Hungarian machine and fire-fighting factory
Vienna Bank Association
F. Wodiáner and sons ltd
Wörner J. and Company Machine Works ltd
Zabola timber industry ltd
Zagyvapálfalva glass factory ltd
Zarzeczki match factory
United industrial companies of Zenta and Ruskany ltd
Zsibó-Nagybánya local area railway



Leó Buday-Goldberger Dr. de Buda
Ferenc Chorin Dr. Sr.
András Fáy de Fáj
Henrik Haggenmacher
Mór Jellinek
Frigyes Kochmeister, Baron
Template man