Timeline of famous companies

Timeline of famous companies

Name Foundation Termination Timeline
First imp. and royal free Danube steamship Co. 1829 1995
Budapest chain bridge ltd 1838 1870
Pest's first domestic savings bank association 1840 1948
Hungarian Commercial Bank of Pest 1841 1947
Budapest Tunnel Society 1850 1897
Austro-Hungarian State Railways 1855 1920
Gschwindt distillery for spirits, yeast, liqueurs and rum ltd 1856 1946
First Hungarian General Assurance Company 1857 1948
Southern Railway 1859 1932
Pannónia Reinsurance Institute 1862 1948
Pannonia mill 1863 1894
"Fonciére" general insurance institute 1864 1948
Budapest Tram Railway Company 1865 1923
Concordia Steam Mill ltd 1865 1939
Kassa-Oderberg railway 1866 1922
Pesti Victoria Steam Mill 1866 1928
Hungarian general creditbank 1867 1947
First Hungarian share brewery 1867 1933
North-Eastern railway 1867 1890
Plain-Rhineland railway 1867 1885
"Athenaeum" literary and printing ltd. 1868 1948
First Hungarian pig fattening ltd 1868 1911
First Pest spodium and hay factory ltd 1868 1928
Kőbánya steam brickworks company 1868 1926
Salgótarján coal mine ltd 1868 1948
Láng L. machine factory ltd 1868 2000
Pest millers and bakers steam mill ltd 1868 1926
Erzsébet Steam Mill Society 1868 1926
Lujza Steam Mill Joint Stock Company 1868 1936
First Budapest Steam Mill ltd 1868 1947
Újlaki brick and lime burning ltd 1869 1928
Schlick-Nicholson machine, wagon and shipyard ltd 1869 1927
Hungarian Western Railway 1869 1890
Hungarian-Czech railways 1869 1899
General wagon hire association 1872 1906
Franklin Society 1873 1948
Telephone factory ltd 1874 2003
Hungarian Asphalte Company Limited 1878 1949
Austro-Hungarian bank 1878 1922
Budapest Banking Association ltd 1879 1902
Vienna Insurance Company 1881 1925
Vienna Life and Annuity Insurance Institute 1881 1925
North Hungarian United Coal Mining and Industrial Company 1881 1925
Rimamurány-salgótarján ironworks ltd 1881 1948
International wagon hire ltd 1882 1905
Arms and machinery factory ltd 1883 1948
Hungarian metal and lamp manufacturer ltd 1883 1935
Hungarian cotton industry ltd 1883 1994
Teudloff and Dittrich bp. armature, derivative and mechanical engineering ltd 1884 1931
Máramaros Salt Railway 1884 1922
Barcs-Pakrac railway 1884 1942
Fiume Credit Bank 1887 1907
Hungarian sugar industry ltd 1889 1948
"Danubius" Hungarian ship and machinery factory ltd 1890 1895
Hungarian ice and reinsurance ltd 1890 1940
Agricultural industry ltd 1890 1947
Kassa-Torna local railway ltd 1890 1922
Hungarian general coal mine ltd 1891 1946
Hungarian ceramic factory ltd 1891 1948
Weitzer J. Machine, wagon and iron foundry ltd 1891 1921
Budapest tram urban railway ltd 1891 1922
"István" brickworks ltd 1892 1926
Budapest general electricity ltd 1892 1924
United brick and cement factory ltd 1892 1933
Hungarian electricity ltd 1893 1915
Oriente Hungarian maritime shipping ltd 1893 1918
Kőbánya civilian brewery and St. Stephen's babyfeed ltd 1894 1948
Budapest-újpest-rákospalota tram road railway ltd 1894 1935
Danubius-Schoenichen-Hartmann United Ship, Machine and Boiler Works Ltd 1895 1911
Révai brothers literary institute ltd 1895 1949
Hungarian railway traffic ltd 1895 1950
Hungarian Levant Sea Navigation Company 1897 1948
Beocsin cement factory union ltd 1906 1946
"Atlantica Trust" ltd. 1906 1944
"Atlantica" maritime shipping ltd. 1906 1944
Borsod coal mines ltd 1910 1945
Ganz and Co. - Danubius - machinery, wagons and shipbuilding ltd 1911 1929
"Szikra" Hungarian match factories ltd 1915 1949
First Gyula steam mill Reisner Ede ltd 1917 1939
Bauxit Trust A.-G., Zurich 1923 1948
Ganz & Comp. electric machine, railway, carriage-manufacturing & ship-building Co. Ltd. 1929 1948
Lampart Works ltd 1935 1948

"What is needed is a serious, persistent will on the part of each of us, directed to visit, use and animate the young institution frequently, perhaps at first with some sacrifice of our habits, our desires and our interests."

Baron Frigyes Kochmeister (1816-1907)

President of the BSE (1864-1900)

"As regards freedom of action, our institution desires nothing more than to do what is in the interest of the country as a whole, and to be free from any unilateral tendency, as it has been far from seeking to cultivate its own interests at the expense of the common good. "

Baron Zsigmond Kornfeld (1852-1909)

President of the BSE (1900-1909)

"Our poor mother, this dismembered Hungary is sick, seriously sick, and let us put aside all other interests, real or apparent, and keep in mind the only point of view: what is necessary, what is good for our poor, sick mother: Hungary."

Sándor Fleissig (1869-1939)

President of the BSE (1931-1939)