Timeline of famous persons

Timeline of famous persons

Name Birth Death Timeline
András Fáy de Fáj 1786 1864
Gusztáv Emich 1814 1869
Frigyes Kochmeister, Baron 1816 1907
Mór Jellinek 1823 1883
Henrik Lévay de Kistelek, Baron 1826 1901
Henrik Haggenmacher 1827 1917
Vilmos Sarbó (Schön) de Szepesváralja 1829 1906
Konrád Burchard-Bélaváry 1837 1916
Lajos Tolnay 1837 1918
László Láng 1837 1914
Vilmos Ormody de Ormod 1838 1932
Miksa de Madaras, Baron Madarassy-Beck 1839 1924
Sándor Bálint (Büchler) 1840 1915
Nándor Madarassy-Beck de Madaras, Baron 1840 1909
Ferenc Chorin Dr. Sr. 1842 1925
Sándor Matlekovits Dr. 1842 1925
Géza Teleki de Szék, Count 1843 1913
Ede Pallavicini, Margrave 1845 1914
Lajos Ossoinack, Knight 1849 1904
Mór Balázs de Verőcze 1849 1897
Zsigmond Kornfeld, Baron 1852 1909
Leó Lánczy 1852 1921
Henrik Jellinek de Haraszt 1853 1927
Emil Bacher 1854 1926
Adolf Ullmann de Baranyavár, Baron 1857 1925
Manfréd Weiss de Csepel, Baron 1857 1922
Ferenc Székely (Schlesinger) 1858 1936
Elemér Horváth 1858 1930
Oszkár Szirmai (Spitzer) 1858 1943
Henrik Fellner 1859 1932
Mór Ribáry (Reich) de Alsólócz 1859 1927
János de Harkányi de Taktaharkány, Baron 1859 1938
Károly Végh de Győr 1859 1941
Károly Hatvany-Deutsch de Hatvan, Baron 1863 1943
Adolf Kohner Dr. de Szászberek, Baron 1866 1937
Lajos Szende (Stern) 1867 1914
Sándor Fleissig 1869 1939
Lipót Aschner 1872 1952
Sándor Csekonics de Zomboly, Count 1872 1952
Mór Domony Dr. de Domony, Knight 1872 1944
Marcell Madarassy-Beck Dr. de Madaras, Baron 1873 1945
Gyula Madarassy-Beck Dr. de Madaras, Baron 1873 1939
Richard Schmidt 1875 1943
Sándor Stux 1877 1941
Leó Buday-Goldberger Dr. de Buda 1878 1945
József Hiller 1885 1944
Ferenc Marschall 1887 1970

"What is needed is a serious, persistent will on the part of each of us, directed to visit, use and animate the young institution frequently, perhaps at first with some sacrifice of our habits, our desires and our interests."

Baron Frigyes Kochmeister (1816-1907)

President of the BSE (1864-1900)

"As regards freedom of action, our institution desires nothing more than to do what is in the interest of the country as a whole, and to be free from any unilateral tendency, as it has been far from seeking to cultivate its own interests at the expense of the common good. "

Baron Zsigmond Kornfeld (1852-1909)

President of the BSE (1900-1909)

"Our poor mother, this dismembered Hungary is sick, seriously sick, and let us put aside all other interests, real or apparent, and keep in mind the only point of view: what is necessary, what is good for our poor, sick mother: Hungary."

Sándor Fleissig (1869-1939)

President of the BSE (1931-1939)