Richard Schmidt

Richard Schmidt

Richárd Schmidt (Budapest, 1875 - Budapest, 14 June 1943), industrialist, sixth president of the Budapest Commodity and Stock Exchange.

His life

He completed his secondary education in Budapest at the Horánszky Street High School, then became a student at the Budapest Academy of Commerce, and after graduating from the Academy he spent four years studying in the major cities of Germany, Hamburg, Dresden and Vienna.

Professional activity

Schmidt and Császár Gőzmalom Rt. and Királymalom, Hedrich and Strauss Rt.

On his return home, he joined the Schmidt and Császár steam mill in Szeszgyár Street, and after the death of Jenő Császár, he took over the commercial management of the mill. He later took over the management of the mill, which was well known through his foreign connections, together with his brother, József Schmidt, Chief Government Advisor.

The Schmidt and Császár Steam Mill merged with Királymalom Rt. in 1930 due to the effects of the crisis, and was subsequently run by his son, Királymalom Jr. Afterwards, he took over the company together with his son, Richard Schmidt.

Budapest Commodity and Stock Exchange

He was Chairman of the Board of the Budapest Commodity and Stock Exchange between 1939 and 1943.

Other assignments

He was a senior adviser to the Magyar Nemzeti Bank. He was a member of the Board of Directors of the Láng L. Maschinengyár Aktientársaság and the Pesti Lloyd Társulat.

Public activities

For a long time he was a member of the Committee of the City Council of Budapest, which elected him a perpetual member in 1930. In the general elections of 1926 and 1931, he was nominated as a deputy on a single-party platform, but he declined to stand.

Between 1939 and 1943 he was a member of the House of Lords representing the stock exchange.

He was a member of the Board of the National Association of Hungarian Industrialists and President of the Budapest Chamber of Commerce.


Born: 1875

Place of birth: Budapest

Date of death: 14.06.1943.

Place of death: Budapest

Occupation: industrial worker



Children: Richard

Author: by Radnai Márton

Born: 1875

Place of birth: Budapest

Date of death: 14.06.1943.

Place of death: Budapest

Occupation: industrial worker



Children: Richard

Author: by Radnai Márton

Richard Schmidt

Richárd Schmidt (Budapest, 1875 - Budapest, 14 June 1943), industrialist, sixth president of the Budapest Commodity and Stock Exchange.

His life

He completed his secondary education in Budapest at the Horánszky Street High School, then became a student at the Budapest Academy of Commerce, and after graduating from the Academy he spent four years studying in the major cities of Germany, Hamburg, Dresden and Vienna.

Professional activity

Schmidt and Császár Gőzmalom Rt. and Királymalom, Hedrich and Strauss Rt.

On his return home, he joined the Schmidt and Császár steam mill in Szeszgyár Street, and after the death of Jenő Császár, he took over the commercial management of the mill. He later took over the management of the mill, which was well known through his foreign connections, together with his brother, József Schmidt, Chief Government Advisor.

The Schmidt and Császár Steam Mill merged with Királymalom Rt. in 1930 due to the effects of the crisis, and was subsequently run by his son, Királymalom Jr. Afterwards, he took over the company together with his son, Richard Schmidt.

Budapest Commodity and Stock Exchange

He was Chairman of the Board of the Budapest Commodity and Stock Exchange between 1939 and 1943.

Other assignments

He was a senior adviser to the Magyar Nemzeti Bank. He was a member of the Board of Directors of the Láng L. Maschinengyár Aktientársaság and the Pesti Lloyd Társulat.

Public activities

For a long time he was a member of the Committee of the City Council of Budapest, which elected him a perpetual member in 1930. In the general elections of 1926 and 1931, he was nominated as a deputy on a single-party platform, but he declined to stand.

Between 1939 and 1943 he was a member of the House of Lords representing the stock exchange.

He was a member of the Board of the National Association of Hungarian Industrialists and President of the Budapest Chamber of Commerce.
