Dr. Márton Pelles
Research Manager, Ramasoft Data Services and Information Technology Ltd.
Márton Pelles graduated from the Faculty of Economics, University of Pécs, with a BSc degree in Applied Economics in 2015; MSc degree in Management and Organization in 2017 and PhD degree in 2021. As an economic historian, his primary research topics are Rijeka, the history of Hungarian merchant shipping and, more recently, Hungarian brewing. His professional achievements include the first place at the XXXII National Scientific Student Conference in 2015, the Pro Scientia Gold Medal Award from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the Hungarian Academy of Technology and the Hungarian Ministry of Education and Science in 2017 and the Tamás Roska Scientific Lecture Award from the Hungarian Academy of Technology in 2021. He is the author of numerous scientific publications, including 3 monographs published in Hungarian, English, Croatian and Italian. His hobby is brewing beer and he also runs a Youtube channel called Sördoktor.
Csaba Domonkos
Chief Museologist, Head of Department, Hungarian Museum of Technology and Transport
In 1997 he graduated from the ELTE Faculty of Humanities, in 1998 as a history teacher. From 1997 to 2000, she worked as a museum ethnographer at the Museum of Transport. Between 2000 and 2010, she worked mainly as a communications specialist and journalist, at Civil Radio, a daily newspaper and as a press officer at the Municipality of District XI. He returned to the Museum of Transport (the Hungarian Museum of Technology and Transport) in 2010, which has since been merged with the National Museum of Technology, and was head of the communications team until 2016. Since 2016, he has been the museologist of the Collection of Road Tracks and Elevated Buildings, and first Deputy Head of Department of Technical Museology, then Head of Department, and from 2021 Head of the Industrial Heritage Department. His main research interest is the history of Hungarian bridge building, on which he has published several articles and, most recently, a book. He has also written hundreds of articles on urban, transport and technical history.
Dr. Mária Hidvégi
historian, economist
He graduated in International Relations from the Budapest University of Economics and Public Administration (Corvinus University of Budapest) in 2004, and in History from the University of Leipzig in 2015. He was a research fellow at the Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas (GWZO) in Leipzig and later at the University of Konstanz. In 2018, he worked as an economist at the Patent Office, and since January 2019 as a historian at Tungsram Operations Kft. He is a collaborator on the research project Spoils of War: The Economic Consequences of the Great War in Central Europe, led by Professor Tamás Vonyó at Bocconi University. His research interests include the development of Hungarian industry, especially electrical engineering and mechanical engineering, from an international perspective, the strategies of small firms in the world market, cartels as crisis management institutions, and the impact of the First World War on the development of industry in the Austro-Hungarian Empire and its successor states. He has published widely in English, German and Hungarian.
Dr. Katalin Mérő
Economist, Associate Professor of Finance at the Budapest University of Economics and Business
He started his career as a statistician and worked as a researcher. After the establishment of the two-tier banking system in Hungary, he held various senior positions at the Commercial and Credit Bank of Hungary from 1990 to 2010, then at the Hungarian National Bank, and subsequently at the State Financial Supervisory Authority of Hungary. He received his PhD from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in 2005 and his habilitation from the University of Szeged in 2018. Author of several publications in Hungarian and English. His research interests include operational characteristics and risks, structural and regulatory issues of financial systems and institutions.
Dr. Márton Radnai
CEO, Ramasoft Data Services and Information Technology Ltd.
In 1995, he graduated from the Budapest University of Economics and Business Administration, majoring in Finance, where he obtained a PhD in Economics in 2003. He also studied at the London Business School as a visiting PhD student. After graduating, he worked as a consultant for the Hungarian Capital Fund and then at the International Banking Training Centre. Subsequently, he founded Ramasoft Ltd. and Kevin & Thorn Consulting Ltd., of which he has been the majority owner and director since its foundation. His areas of expertise include financial product design, pricing, market risk management, trading book and Basel III capital requirements regulation. He has numerous publications in Hungarian and foreign journals.
Róbert Szabó
PhD student, ELTE Doctoral Program in Social and Economic History
Róbert Szabó graduated from the Eötvös Loránd University with a degree in physics and history in 2020. He is currently a doctoral student at the ELTE Doctoral School of History, Doctoral Program in Social and Economic History. Her research on social history, and thus on the issue of social mobility, focuses on schools as institutions and thus on the history of education, especially in relation to the First World War. Among her professional achievements, she was awarded first prize at the XXIV National Scientific Student Conference and the Pro Scientia Gold Medal in 2019. Among his publications in English and Hungarian, his studies on the First World War war immunity are prominent.
Dr. Gábor Tamás
Senior Consultant, HORVÁTH & PARTNERS KFT.
Gábor Tamás graduated from the Budapest University of Economics and Business Administration in 1996, majoring in Information Management. In 2008, he received an international MBA degree in English from Corvinus University. In 2023, he obtained a PhD degree in the Doctoral Program in Social and Economic History at ELTE. After graduation, he worked at Allianz Hungária Insurance, where he first held management positions in controlling, then in sales and customer service, and later became a member of the management board and COO of the company. Currently, he is a senior consultant at Horváth & Partners management consulting firm and an expert in the insurance market. His academic specialisation is the history of Hungarian insurance, in which he has published several papers and a book on the subject.