Engel, E.-Bartha L. (1914):History of the Budapest Stock Exchange 1864-1914, Budapest Commodity and Value Exchange, Budapest, 1914
Félegyházy, Á. (1894), History of the Budapest Stock Exchange 1864-1895, Budapest Commodity and Value Exchange, Budapest, 1896
Korányi, G. T. (2014):Stellage transaction for ultimo: the history of the Budapest Stock Exchange 1864-1948, Budapest Stock Exchange, Budapest, 2014
General research
Kövér, György (1986): 1873. The Anatomy of a Crash, Kozmosz, Budapest, 1986
Kövér, György (2002): The arc of accumulation: social and economic history studies, Új Mandátum, Budapest, 2002
Mérő, K. (1988) The role and significance of the stock exchange in the economic life of capitalist Hungary, 1864-1944, Hungarian Stock Exchange Foundation, Budapest, 1988
Corporate research
Hidvégi, M.: Connecting to the world market: Hungary's leading electrical engineering companies 1867-1949
Göttingen, Germany: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht (2016) , 414 p.
Hidvégi, M. - Nikolaus, W. (2019): Power failure: the electrification of Central-Eastern Europe, 1918-39
Klement, J. (2023): Budapest and the mills 1841-2008, Történeti Szemle 65:1 pp. 155-167.
Klement, J. (2010): Steam Mills on the Danube, Holnap Kiadó, 164 p.
Pogány, Á. (2023) From the Great War to the Great Crisis: studies on the history of banking and money in Hungary between the two world wars
Budapest, Hungary : L'Harmattan Kiadó, 2023
Zsigmond G. - Pelles M. (2018): History of the Hungarian Merchant Navy of Rijeka - 1868-1918
Pro Pannónia Publishing Foundation, 2018
Rate data
Budapest Commodity and Stock Exchange Price Quotation Journal (1894-1913)
Company data
Mihók, S. (ed.) (1874-1888) Hungarian Compass, Budapest, 1874-1888
G. Nagy, S., Armbruster J. (ed.) (1889-1894) Hungarian Compass, Budapest, 1889-1894
G. Nagy, S. (ed.) (1895-1911): Mihók's Hungarian Compass, Budapest, 1895-1911
G. Nagy, S. (ed.) (1912-1914): Nagy Magyar Compass, own edition 1912-1914
Vörös, L. (ed.) (1878-1884) Hungarian Railway Yearbook, Budapest, Mihók, 1878-1884
Macroeconomic data
Kausel, Anton (1979), Österreichs Volkseinkommen 1830-1913 (Austria's national income 1830-1913), in: Österreichisches Statistisches Zentralamt, Geschichte und Ergebnisse der zentralen amtlichen Statistik in Österreich 1829-1979, Beiträge zur österreichischen Statistik, Heft 550, Vienna.
Mühlpeck, V.- Sandgruber, R. - Woitek, H. (1979): Index of consumer prices, 1800-1914, in: Österreichisches Statistisches Zentralamt, Geschichte und Ergebnisse der zentralen amtlichen Statistik in Österreich 1829-1979, Beiträge zur österreichischen Statistik, Heft 550, Vienna.
Schulze, Max-Stephan (2000), Patterns of growth and stagnation in the late nineteenth century Habsburg economy, European Review of Economic History 4, 331-340.